Animal Fact Sheet:  Spotted bat

Identifying Features

The spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) can be identified by is large ears which have a pinkish tone. Its body is jet-black in color with two large white spots on its shoulders and one white spot on its rump. The fur on its underbelly is snow white. The wings are also pink in color.


Some spotted bats will migrate from colder to warmer regions in the winter. They will also go into a torpor in cold weather. This means that its body temperature will fall to that of their surroundings and its heart rate will slow.


The spotted bat prefers arid regions, desert scrub, and open forest in rugged landscapes. They roost on vertical cliffs and in open canyons. Their habitat always seems to be associated with a water source such as a spring, creek, river or lake.


This bat can be found from British Columbia, Canada southward thought the western United States and into Mexico.

Wild Status

This bat is considered to be one of the rarest bats in North America. That being said, it does occupy a very large range, but little is known about its wild status. It is considered to be a species of special concern.


The spotted bat is an insectivore, which means it eats a variety insects with moths being its food of choice. They tear off the wings of the moth and eat only the abdomen.


Owls, raccoons and skunks are a few of their natural predators. Human caused changes to their environment seem to be the biggest threat. Pesticide use that the bats may accumulate through their diet is of concern.


The female will give birth in June to usually only one pup. The pup does not have the distinctive color pattern of the adults when born.

Life Span

Many bat species are known to live in the wild for over 20 years. Not much is known about the life span of the spotted bat, but it it assumed to be within that range.


Their body length is 4.0 to 4.50 inches (10.16-11.43 cm). Their wingspan is about 14 inches (35.56 cm)and they weigh 0.6-0.7 ounces (17.0-19.8 g) .

Extra Fun-facts

  • The ears of the spotted bat are rolled up around its head when it is resting. When the bat becomes active they inflate with blood and unroll.
  • Unlike most other bats, the spotted bat is solitary and territorial.
  • This is one of the few bats who's echolocation sound is low enough to be heard by humans.
Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 10-13-2024 bat.php